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Glutaraldehyde solution

Time:2024-04-08 Hits:41
Glutaraldehyde is a colorless or slightly yellow clear liquid with a slightly irritating special odor, which is soluble in water and organic solvents such as ether and ethanol. There are not many free forms in aqueous solutions, and a large number of hydrates exist in different forms, while the majority exist in the form of cyclic hydrates, usually in the form of 25-50% hydrate solution. Glutaraldehyde has active properties and is prone to polymerization and oxidation. It reacts with compounds containing active oxygen and nitrogen. The reaction with proteins mainly involves the reaction between carbonyl groups and amino groups in protein molecules. Among known aldehydes, glutaraldehyde is an excellent protein crosslinking agent. Glutaraldehyde has excellent bactericidal properties. Glutaraldehyde has little effect on the activity of this enzyme, and most
enzymes can be immobilized, cross-linked, and not inactivated under controlled conditions. Due to its numerous excellent properties, glutaraldehyde has attracted high attention and has been widely used.

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